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    It has never been easier, thanks to our new client portal at: 


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    On-boarding fully online

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    Multi-Currency Accounts
    Lower Your FX Costs.

    Transparent Rates, Simple Trading

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    INFRONT WEB Trader
    Infront Web Now With a New Version.

    More market data and better trading functionality
    Even more options to customise the screen content

    Try With Free Demo Account  

  • Select the Best Strategy for Your Investments

    ICM Target - Managed Portfolio Based on a Pre-determined Strategy

    From Very Safe Treasury Bonds to Higher Potential Total Return

    Combining Professional Management with Flexibility and Lower Costs

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Important Notifications

Important Information for Polish Clients

Intercapital Markets AD has closed its Branch in Poland and has stopped providing services to Polish Clients. All existing accounts for Polish Clients have been terminated. All assets of Polish Clients that have not been transferred by the clients themselves have been moved for administration by MK Brokers AD (another Bulgarian licensed investment brokerage firm). Affected clients can contact us or get in touch directly with MK Brokers at: office@mkb.bg


Ważna informacja dla polskich klientów

Intercapital Markets AD zamknęł swój Oddział w Polsce i zaprzestał świadczenia usług dla polskich klientów. Wszystkie dotychczasowe konta dla polskich klientów zostały zamknięte. Wszystkie aktywa polskich klientów, które nie zostały przeniesiony przez samych klientów, zostały przekazane do zarządzania przez MK Brokers AD (inny bułgarski licencjonowany Dom Maklerski). Klienci, których to dotyczy, mogą skontaktować się z nami lub skontaktować się bezpośrednio z MK Brokers pod adresem email: office@mkb.bg


We charge the same low commission for trades in stocks on most markets - Poland, Western Europe, US and Canada.
Target Date
Designed to produce maximum return by 2020, 2025 and 2030
Target Growth
High-growth, higher risk portfolios designed for absolute return in the medium term
Trading Platforms
We give our clients some of the best electronic trading tools. For local and international stocks you can use INFRONT, desktop, web and mobile.
Local & International
Trade local and international markets through one account and one trading platform.
We offer trully multy-currency accounts. Deposit in one currency, trade in another. Balance conversions some of the best terms.